A One-of-kind IndieGoGo Crowd-funding Campaign.
and Make Sure the World Hears this Song & More.(complete lyrics below) 4m:24s

We’re not looking to only receive, but to give back.
What Are Our Goals & Commitment?
- Discover
- Produce
- Launch
Discover ‘The Voice.” My voice (on the demo) will not be ‘The Voice.’
Please see our 11 Point Campaign below.
Hello, thanks for considering our campaign.
I’m Gene Cartwright—father, Pulitzer-nominated author, inactive Marine, former engineer, former Oprah guest author, and lifetime lover of music.
What Inspired This?
I was inspired to write ‘Live’ many years ago, (one of a hundred + songs) as a reminder to myself that while waiting for that ‘some day,’ my ‘every days’ were passing by.
Heeding my own words,
I dusted off my aged Yamaha Keyboard…
…connected it into my iMac 24 desktop computer, and…
warmed up the vocal chords, (You Don’t Want to See Those)
and got busy creating the demo of the song for you to hear. The complete song, in its current arrangement, is 4:24 in length.
1. Sharing The Dream: Our Goal
We all have dreams. The best of all worlds is being able to give life to one’s own dreams, and make possible the dreams of others. That is exactly what we will do.
2. The Auditions:
The audition candidates, submitted by qualifying contributors, will post their performances (per our provided guidelines), on Facebook, YouTube, or Vimeo. The 2-song performance should show range, pitch control, and stage presence. Voice may accompany a track, and/or an instrument. Voice should be clearly dominant. Complete submission details available to those individuals to be considered. Candidates must be 15 years old or older (with parent/guardian signed permission, if a minor), and be a legal resident of the U.S.
Here’s my web site, with personal details.
- You are contributing to a seasoned team, personally led by me, that values your contribution, regardless of its size, and who will honor it by recognizing it on the web. See Here.
- A recipient who is accessible, via a long established and respected online and offline presence, with goals that include being able to have your trust for future projects on an even grander scale.
- I had my musical debut at the famed Improv (on guitar) with four other buds, in a three- song set.
- Once received a contract from ‘The Maestro’, Barry White (Born Barry Eugene Carter) for two of my original songs.
- My Original Composition. The Last Moon,’ tribute to the heroes of NASA
About Your Support:
5. What We Need & What You Get
NOTE: All contributors will be given a private link, to hear and comment on the final round participants.
We need your help for:
- Musicians: $2,500
- Travel and accommodations to Los Angeles, if necessary, for singers selected:
- Recording 3-5 songs(studios, engineers, etc..) : $5,750.00
- Talent judges: Modest Honorarium for 5 person talent judges -$1500
- English and Spanish performances of the song.
- *A full debut album (depending on level of support) ?
- Mixing: $2,500.00
Mastering: $1,200.00 - CD Graphics: $400.00
- *Music video of the discovered artist(s). – depends upon funding level
- Transportation: $1,750.00
Includes travel and accommodations to Los Angeles, if necessary, for singers selected. - Lodging: $650.00 (honoring perks and for singers)
- Cost of Living (singers during stay for sessions): $1,050.00
- Administrative Costs (legal, accounting, etc.): $1,800.00
- IndieGoGo Fees (estimated): $2,400.
- Incentives (estimated): $2,500.00
- Press Releases, Publicity: $400.00
- Miscellaneous: $350.00
6. *The estimated total is $24,750. We are requesting $22, 000, and hoping you will help us achieve more.
7. What You Get!
Please also see updated perks at right sidebar.
Note: IndieGoGo rules prevent offering air travel in any form.
- Your contribution could well help change many lives forever.
- It will have a lasting impact on every one who will hear ‘Live,’ and will be encouraged to make the most of every minute, of every day of his or her life.
- To view my track record and accomplishments:
Please see a music composition:
A Music and Video tribute to the heroes and heroines of NASA. - Also, please visit my web site:
(http://GeneCartwright.com) and read by full bio.
9. Risks & Challenges
Problem: To be clear, the best-laid plans can be upset and challenged.
For example: our digital (audio/video) auditions may not yield the voice we deem appropriate. However, given to talent pool in this country, that is unlikely.
Solution: Call upon professionals in music departments of universities; approach independent music producers, and partner with them to find the right voice, or contact individuals who were finalists in other singing competitions, etc.
Problem: Not Enough Funding:
(But we are always positive)
Solution: We make the most of what we receive, using the best technology tools available. The demo above was created with a 25 year-old Yamaha, and an iMac computer. If necessary, we will upgrade to the best available, and knock as many doors as necessary.
We will produce the CD single, distribute the song via iTunes, and other online venues, and promote the singers to industry. At all times, we will keep our supporters up-to-date.
More Questions & Answers:
Q: What if you exceed your goal?
A: If we exceed our goal, we can do more to create a full album, release it, promote in and our lucky selected candidates to industry.
And… if we dare dream, the song will be the title song of a film soundtrack of an indie film based on the screenplay – “A Quest for Angels.’ (now on The Black List – blacklist.com)
Note: Be sure to follow us on Facebook and twitter for updates on that front.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about the campaign and how we’ll be spending the money. Our goal is complete transparency. We’ve got nothing to hide.
We have always viewed problems as mere challenges that demand innovation, and almost always lead to better outcomes.
10. I Can’t Contribute. What Else Can I do?
Thanks for asking?
- You can help us get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Be sure and use the Indiegogo share tools!
- Embed our demo on web pages, contact news organizations, etc
- Use our Twitter page: http://Twitter.com/TheVoiceSearch
- Like us on Facebook: http://Facebook.com/MySongYourVoice
- Check your sofa cushions…or those of family you visit. 🙂
© 2014 Gene Cartwright
I’m gonna live someday — some- day
I used to say, someday I’ll be happy.
Someday, fame and fortune will be mine.
Someday — I’ll get my life — together;
I’ll laugh again –and have myself the best of times.
I’m gonna live someday — some- day
I used to say – some day when I’m able,
I’ll do the things that my heart longs to do.
I’ll show the world — I’ll be a big success,
My name will be in lights – above all the rest.
I’m gonna live someday — some- day
Music interlude
I used to say – someday love will find me,
Then my heart will spread its wings and fly.
Then, one day suddenly, I realized,
While I was waiting like a fool, my life was passing by…
Don’t wait until it’s time to die – to live,
‘Cause life is just a moment, anyway
Don’t wait until it’s time to die – to live.
Live a thousand years everyday
‘Cause some day — is just a fantasy;
empty dreams when all is said – and done.
Every day of your life – is your reality,
So live everyone – live every – one
Now everyday I celebrate the sunrise,
I stop to smell the flowers where they grow.
With every breath I take, I am born again,
‘Cause where this life will end, no one can ever know
Don’t wait until it’s time to die to live,
‘Cause life is just a moment, anyway
Don’t wait until it’s time to die, to live.
Live a thousand years every–day.
Vamp Chorus to end or fade.
Thanks for reviewing our campaign, and for contributing in what ever ways you can.