‘The Confessions of Emily’

The Indiegogo Short Film Funding Project has ended,
but continues at ReadyForFilm.com
Emily Ann Rideout , 22 is gunning for predator, Tommy Lee Raymond, 46—a worthless, shiftless, mama-moocher of the worst sort. He has “taken off” with her 16 year-old sister, Amy Jo, and headed west along I-20, past Abilene and toward Midland, Texas.
At iFOGO Films, we have just released a trailer of our short film project, ‘The Confessions of Emily.’ The following is the complete project narrative, and the video.
Police said: “We can’t arrest Tommy Lee, ‘less he do somethin’, Miss Emily. He ain’t done nuthin’ yet.”
—They said wait, and call when somethin’ happened…

To produce a live-action, professionally produced 12-minute version of this 3 minute bare-bones version. We need your help!The full one-hour, forty-seven minute feature is our ultimate goal.

May God be with Tommy Lee.
“The Confessions of Emily” is an intense, edge-of-the-seat journey effected by the limitless devotion, personal sacrifice, and unconditional love that a determined young woman has for her 16 year-old kid sister, and only living relative.
— More on the full story, below.
We are proud to be led by Pulitzer-nominated author, Gene Cartwright, and part of a tight-knit crew of aspiring filmmakers.
Casting of Emily nearly completed. We have a wealth of experienced crew-members who love this story and are eager to complete our project.
Take a look at proof of our ability to create something from few resources.
Our Sitcom Pilot:
We have a thoroughly edited and polished script that, nevertheless, still is undergoing reviews and editing to perfect it.
Please see this catalog of writing projects that demonstrate we have the writing capability to spare
What We Need & What You Get
We Need $2,950 at a bare minimum; $5,000 ideally. $10k would permit us to breathe a bit.
- Camera and Equipment rental ($475+/day) 2-Day Shoot
- Crew Costs ($375/day) we’re lucky our folks will sacrifice $$$
- Insurance ($350-min.)
- Accounting/Rewards ($450+ est.)
- Food Service (McD’s, Jack-in-the-Box, Gatorade)

The Red One ‘Epic’

- In addition to funding our short film. we are determined to fully provide our Rewards offered our supporters.
- If we exceed our goals, we will use the additional funds to enter our film in the top quality film festivals, and use it to fund our full feature film.
What You Get
Become one of our Film Producers!
Please see the rewards we offer. Each contributor is important as the other.
Fulfilling our Rewards is our top focus.
- If we exceed our goals, we will use the additional funds to enter our film in the top quality film festivals, and use it to fund our full feature film.
- We will use the least expensive but best quality equipment available to reach the desired results. If we fall far short, and cannot fulfill our Rewards, we will issue refunds. But we’re positive you will help us reach and even exceed our goal.

Emily’s desperate search route to Midland, Texas
Born and raised in North Central, Texas and parts of West Texas, Emily Ann Rideout, 22, reeled from the self-inflicted death of her alcoholic father, Webster, and not long thereafter, the murder of her late mother, Lee Ann, who, following Emily’s father’s death, gave birth to a her sister, Amy Jo (now 16): “father unknown.”
Before her death, Lee Ann looked for love in all the wrong places, with all the wrong ‘snakes,’ especially one Tommy Lee Raymond—a smooth-talking mother-moocher with a line of bullshit longer than a trip to Mars.
Lee Ann Rideout’s body was found one night, laid across Burlington-Northern railroad tracks, with a needle stuck in her right arm. Lee Ann was right-handed, and there were no old needle marks anywhere on her person. Most telling, was the ligature marks around her keck. The Coroner ruled it a homicide. Lee Ann’s murder was never solved. Emily blamed Tommy Lee, and said as much, and often.
Lee Ann Rideout murder scene (morning after)
With her parents dead, and left to care for her sister, Emily Ann was forced to quit school, delay her dream of becoming a lawyer, and take odd jobs. Her introverted nature and mistrust of most humans never made her socially popular. She didn’t give a damn about that. She did her work and kept to herself.
Emily was toughened by the experience; she learned to battle lecherous predators and nere-do-well scoundrels, with little help from anyone. Having rebuffed Tommy Lee’s advances, Emily seethed, and warned him, when he turned his sights on Amy Jo.
The Impact of your help
With Your help:
- We produce and release an engaging film that will demonstrate that great ideas and film projects do not have to come from within the secret bowels of Hollywood.
- We have many projects that will be made possible by your help.
Risks & Challenges
Let’s be open and honest here. there are risks to any enterprise.
- Project schedules can be upset, requiring modification and adjustment.
- Sometimes, actors and crew member have to be replaced, are have personal unexpected experiences that force change in plans.
- Unexpected costs can savage budgets.
We anticipate and plan, in order to meet the risks and challenges
- Our successful business experience, engineering background, and skills in critical thinking helps position us well, to overcome challenges.
- We know how to, and are already reaching out to an amazing reservoir of talent. As a member of Stage 32 (stage32.com), The Table, and other networking groups.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
- Help us get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
- Buy our T-Shirt